Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the most common questions asked by clients. If you have additional questions, please feel free to call us at
(305) 834-2032

1. Is a colon hydrotherapy treatment painful?

No. A colon hydrotherapy treatment is a comfortable experience for most people; however, if discomfort is experienced, the session can be stopped at any time. Many people report their colon hydrotherapy sessions as being both refreshing and relaxing.

2. Could I get injured?

No. Colon hydrotherapy, is a safe, effective method of removing waste from the large intestine. The large intestine, or colon, is a muscle and therefore, has the ability to expand and contract. The therapist administers filtered, temperature-regulated water with gentle pressure, and the client and therapist have open communication during the entire session.

3. Is it covered by my insurance?

No. Unfortunately, in the state of Florida, colon hydrotherapy is considered a ‘Natural Therapy’, and therefore, is not recognized by health insurance companies. We accept cash, all major credit cards, Apple Pay, Venmo and Zelle.

4. Will I be naked during the treatment?

No. Before the session begins, you will start in the restroom by emptying your bladder and changing into a robe. Once you are laying comfortably on the massage table, you will be draped the entire time with a large bath sheet to ensure modesty. Your dignity is always maintained.

5. Can I eat beforehand…do I need to fast before the treatment?

It is best to refrain from eating a large meal within 2-3 hours of your session. The therapist may incorporate some abdominal massage into the session, so it’s best experienced on an empty stomach. After the session, you may go about your day as normal.

6. What is the background of colonics – how long have they been done in history – who started doing them?

The Ancient Egyptians started doing colonics as far back as 5000 BC. The method of administering them – using a hollow read and the natural flow of the river – is much different than how we administer them here, using a closed system. Our facility uses FDA-approved equipment and disposable rectal nozzles/speculums. Nonetheless, the concept remains the same.

7. If I’m uncomfortable, can the practitioner stop the colonic?

Yes. If at any time you wish to end the session, you may do so.

8. How will I feel during the treatment and immediately afterward?

Some common feelings after a colon hydrotherapy session are alertness, unusual increase in energy, hunger, feeling of cleanliness, feeling lighter, less bloated, more range of motion in the abdominal area, happiness (lots of smiling!), cleared sinus pressure, temporary fatigue, temporary nausea (rare, during the session). Sometimes people have (SERs) emotional releases during their session. Our abdomen is a vulnerable place where we store a lot of emotion. Everything is connected, so when we release things physically that we’ve been storing in the colon, we sometimes release an emotional experience with it. The emotional release can come out as laughter or tears, amongst other ways.

9. What is the aftercare (Can I go back to work? Will I have a headache? Can I exercise that day?)?

After your session, you can drive, eat food, exercise, and do anything you would normally be doing during your day. There is no “downtime” after a session. Remember, we use only water during your session, no medicine or anesthesia. Always listen to your body. It may be telling you to rest.

10. Will I get “gassy” during the colonic (passing gas, burping)? I don’t want to be embarrassed.

It is possible to experience gas during the session. In this case, we will keep you on the empty cycle and allow the gas to release naturally. A light abdominal massage may be administered to encourage the gas to exit the colon. There is open communication throughout the entire session. Some people don’t experience gas at all during a session.

11. Will I feel nauseated during the colonic?

Most people do not experience nausea at all. For the few who do, temporary nausea may be due to toxins being released back into the bloodstream. Another reason would be if the client has alcohol or recreational drugs left in the cell tissue. It is best to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages before you start your cleanse for at least 1-3 days.

12. Is the room comfortable, or does it feel like a hospital?

The room is a spa-like setting, complete with dimmed lighting, therapeutic essential oils for aromatherapy (optional) and music with healing tones. The room is clean and feels warm like a spa.

13. How sanitary is the procedure?

At our facility, we only use disposable equipment. Every client receives a new speculum and tubing, and everything is thrown away at the end of the session. The Hydro-San Plus closed equipment is sanitized – inside and out – after each colon hydrotherapy session, no matter the duration of the treatment. The drape sheets and underpads are also thrown away after each client. There are no exceptions.

14. Do both men and women get colonics?

Yes, both men and women receive colon hydrotherapy. Ages 18 and up. Minors will be allowed with a guardian’s consent and must be in the treatment room at all times.

15. How many colon hydrotherapy sessions are needed?

New clients start with the 3 Day Gentle Cleanse. Everyone is different, so the number of colon hydrotherapy sessions moving forward will depend on the individual’s wellness goals. The more chronic the issue, the more cleansing in general. Just as some people exercise on a daily or weekly basis to tone and tighten their outer body, some also have their own ongoing cleansing, toning, and rebuilding regimen for digestive health. Colon hydrotherapy can be used as part of any regular maintenance program.

16. “I’ve never had one before and am nervous. Please walk me through the steps of what to expect.”

(Please see our video on the home page of the steps of a colon hydrotherapy session.)

17. What is the colon?

The colon, or the large intestine, is the end portion of the human digestive tract. The colon is approximately 5 feet long and 2 ½ inches in diameter. The major function is to absorb water and electrolytes and to form the waste for elimination. Also, there are beneficial bacteria living in the colon which synthesize valuable nutrients such as vitamin “K” and portions of the “B” complex.

18. How do the intestines get out of shape?

Everything we put in our mouth touches and affects the walls of the stomach, small intestine, and colon (large intestine). When these substances or their by-products are toxic, they damage the intestinal wall and cells; intoxicate the nerves and glands, and can be absorbed through the walls into the blood and lymph and ultimately to the cells and tissues. As a result, peristalsis declines. The slower transit increases fermentation and putrefaction of undigested food by bacteria and yeast. The bacteria and yeast put off toxic wastes in the form of acids and gases. These substances also cause inflammation and damage to the cells of the intestinal walls. Research indicates these substances can create abnormal behavior and abnormal brain behavior. The nervous system is directly affected.
Elimination becomes incomplete and waste remains in the intestines. Dehydration and stagnation occur. This matrix creates erratic conditions in the body in the form of the disease. The main dietary offenders are animal products, salt, sugar, flour, chemicals, and drugs. They are lifestyles and give no energy to the digestive system.

19. How is the lymph system related to the intestines?

The lymph system is part of the circulatory system and a major part of the immune system. Its clear-to-white fluid is composed of many different types of white blood cells and other substances. One of its main jobs is to transport nutrients from the blood to each cell and remove its waste. Some of the waste is transported to the intestines via the lacteals, the part of the lymph system which empties into the small intestine. It then passes into the large intestine for elimination.
When the intestinal walls are impacted, the lymph system retains the cell waste. The prolific number of lymph nodes in the abdominal region becomes storage points for the waste. The lymphatic fluid becomes thicker and if accompanied by dehydration sets the stage for an impaired immune system. Keep the lymph highly fluid by focusing on daily fluid intake, diet, and exercise.

20. What is constipation?

Constipation is any form of congestion and is usually accompanied by dehydration. It extends to the cellular level. One bowel movement a day is a sign of constipation and incomplete elimination is a form of constipation. Symptoms are overweight, fatigue, irritability, mental confusion, bloat, gas, indigestion, lethargy, headaches, migraines, earaches, sinus drainage, allergies, cellulite, anxiety, depression, pessimism, whining, unsatisfied hunger, poor circulation. Do any of these sound familiar!
A colon hydrotherapy session begins to hydrate the system and break up the impacted and dehydrated fecal matter, mucous, and other waste materials that layer the walls of the large intestine. Once again, the intestines are capable of receiving and disposing of waste from the body. Colon hydrotherapy will stop the backup and re-absorption of toxic materials. Assimilation of nutrients improves. The liver and kidneys are relieved.

21. How do I restore my intestinal health?

Hydrate, dissolve, disinfect, soothe, and tone intestinal tissue. The colon hydrotherapy sessions with water and abdominal massage break up this matter within the large intestine with excellent results. People attain the most success with colon hydrotherapy when done in conjunction with fluids, exercise, and diet.

22. Can I have a colonic if I’m pregnant?

Yes. During your second trimester, it is safe to receive colon hydrotherapy. During the first trimester, receiving a colon hydrotherapy session could cause a spontaneous abortion. During the third trimester of pregnancy, it is possible to cause preterm labor.

23. Can I wear headphones and listen to music during the procedure?

Ultimately, it is your time during the session, but I have found that open communication is key to a successful colon hydrotherapy session. We can play music aloud in the treatment room if you prefer.

24. Can I watch a movie during the procedure?

In today’s world full of modern technology, it can be difficult to stray too far from our devices, even for an hour. If you feel more comfortable with a distraction during your session, you will not be denied the use of your device to watch, read or listen to positive material. Conversations on the telephone during the session are prohibited.

25. Do I have to talk to anyone during the procedure, or can I just relax?

You can relax throughout the entire session on the massage table. It is not necessary to engage in conversation if you do not want.

26. What should I do to prepare for a colon hydrotherapy session?

We ask that you do a few simple things: In the days leading up to your series of treatments, focus on hydration. Eating foods with high water content like fruits and vegetables should be 90% of your diet. Smoothies and freshly-pressed veggie juices are great! Hydrating by drinking room-temperature spring water is recommended throughout your day, between meals. The days of your appointments, do not eat anything two-three hours prior to your session and do not drink anything at least one hour before. Please avoid caffeine and alcohol the 24 hours leading up to your session. They are both dehydrating and do not support the cleanse. While you are having your treatment we ask you to be as relaxed as possible and maintain a positive cheerful attitude.

27. Does having a menstrual period at the time of a colon hydrotherapy session have any effect on the visit?

No, in fact, it’s usually a good time to receive treatment since your body is already cleansing. Your flow has no effect on the success of the treatment.

28. Do I have to stop medications or daily vitamins before the procedure?

No. Colon hydrotherapy does not interfere with your daily routine of vitamins/medication. *Please note that the colon absorbs water, so if you are taking a diuretic (water pill), it may interfere.

29. Is there any type of supplement/vitamin that I should be taking before the session?

No, it is not necessary to take any supplements before the session.

30. What other treatments are popular with people who get colonics?

People who receive colon hydrotherapy may also do massage therapy, lymphatic drainage, acupuncture, cranial-sacral therapy, reiki therapy, etc. Receiving nutritional counseling also supports colon hydrotherapy.

31. What are the contraindications (conditions that could prevent me from receiving colon hydrotherapy)?

A contraindication is any indication or symptom that makes it inadvisable to use a particular therapy. Please read the list of contraindications under the ‘New Clients’ tab. Please call us at 305-834-2032 if you believe you have a contraindication. We will help clarify your situation and ensure that your next step is a solid one!

32. What makes Alicia and Colonic Center Miami different than all other colonic practitioners?

“I like to keep up with the latest technology in wellness and nutrition by reading books and blogs, and attending conferences that center around superfoods, super herbs, medicinal mushrooms, and micronutrients. Juicing and smoothies are vital to bringing the nutrition you intake to the cellular level. I bring a wide range of health/nutrition information to the table. I believe that caring for my body with healthy and nutritious food and water, is the key to longevity, and a long-lasting body and mind. The mind, body, and spirit are all connected. With the right combination of healthy food, exercise, water intake, and meditation, your body has the capacity to heal itself. I believe that illness and dis-ease can be reversed through nutrition and self-care. I am a licensed massage therapist and a certified colon therapist.”
Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.”